The arc of "Universitas Sebelas Maret" hung above my head welcoming everyone passing by with pride. It was a very crowded morning with a lot of motorbikes walking slowly through the security. I wondered "What's on earth? It's unusually this crowded". 50 meters forward i found out the answer; it's GRADUATION time.
Okay, let's skip the crowds and parking lots. My mind is loaded and ready to work. The first thing came up to my mind is about the graduation. Hundreds of people once called "Mahasiswa" is now called "sarjana". Their family came along to the campus; putting on make-ups, wearing torturing skirts called Kebaya completed with a huge and heavy Sanggul, preparing foods, photos, taking their babies and children packed with toys and candies, waiting for hours, just to celebrate that short change of status. Parents are proud with their Graduate-Boy. Their millions of investment will shortly pay back. With a short whip of the ribbon on the hat, 4 years (or more) effort and struggles are finally acknowledged. They're on the doorstep of "a better future". It goes with a pile of dream that will follow.
If the question is "What to do after graduation?" then the answer will be "work, work and work. then get married. hahaha.." is it that simple? Can be yes but mostly no. Later on that day less than 24 hours, i read a newspaper and find an interesting title "Jumlah Pengangguran Bergelar Sarjana Meningkat". The discussion can be brought to how incapable the government to provide job and etc, but that's not the menu for now. 14,3% of graduated undergraduates are still jobless. Albeit their scores and whereabouts or their universities, it's still a stunning figure. And something that burden every mind of a "sarjana"-going-to-be.
My sister is a bachelor of law (Sarjana Hukum). When she graduated her friends came along and take pictures. One of them congratulated my sister and said "Well,you've been through a lot of difficult things in your study to obtain the bachelor degree. But later on you will find that finding a job is a lot more difficult". Quote of the week everyone?
Well, life is a hyper-complicated thing to be talked. But we know something that is called "causal relation". So if you do something, then the result or the outcome will also goes inline with what you do. If we study and graduate from university, then the path to success is up ahead. We do what we have to do; work the work. But one thing is certain, FATE determines everything. My mom (the most philosophical person i ever met) told me "Pray to God, ask for a good fate. Then do what you have to do.". So, no need to be afraid of the threat to be the part of the 14.3%. Let's study, let's go to schools, universities, colleges, etc. Overall, let God do what He does best.
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