My mom asked me to accompany her watching her on TV just a couple of minutes ago. She was the presenter of a show in my mosque's local television called MJA TV. The name of the show is Keluarga dan Kesehatan (Family and Health). The topic of the day is "Childbirth". Well, the speaker gave an interesting information indeed, but mostly I've read or found it somewhere else. Then come her example when talking about bleeding. The doctor told a story:
"One day I got a call, asking me to come to the place given ASAP because there was a mother giving birth and in need of my help. The nurse can't handle the bleeding herself, therefore she called for a doctor and she called me at that time. The location was indeed far and quiet remote and it's not good enough as a childbirth place. I checked the condition, then i found that the head of the baby was out but there was something blocking it. At first, I thought it was a tumor. Later I realized that it was the placenta. Earlier, the nurse tried to force the baby out, but the result was tragic. The uterus also went out. Yes, THE UTERUS WENT OUT (my stomach was terrible when i heard n i wrote this). We were blood-bathed at that time. The bleeding was so bad. An immediate surgery was taken, the baby saved, but 19 hours later the mom died because of such a severe bleeding. The body just can't cope with that."
I was shell shocked and petrified. Enough saying about how we should obey our mom, but this story is just another cherry on the cake. Oh God..
Monday, April 26, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Galileo Galilei
First thing first, don't expect to find the biography of Galileo here because I'm not going to write fully about it. I'm sure you can find a better and more valid biography somewhere else.
What I'm going to write here is just how brilliant he is. As far as i know, he invented a hell lot of thing in the 16th century. Telescope is one thing. It was him who were also stood firmly against the geocentric theory and prove it (poor Capernicus. He was murdered by the order of the Roman Church at that time because he was the first person to say it). Galileo was the first person to utilize the telescope to observe the galaxy and discovered a number of Jupiter's satellite, to find out that the moon is not perfectly flat, and many more. Galileo also produced a number of theory which underlies the modern science. His theory was the breakthrough to almost every astronomical discovery in this modern era. Or maybe we can say that Galileo "invented" almost every scientific discovery in the modern era with his theories and discoveries. The very Albert Einstein even called Galileo as "The father of modern science".
Enough for the introduction. We all know that he was so great, he discovered this and that, and so on. But it's not because of those discoveries I mentioned above that I make this post, but it's because one simple tool he made: The Galilean Thermometer. It's a very simple thermometer, which work based on the buoyancy principle and density. Very very simple. The thermometer is formed by a single tube and some bulbs marked by temperature scale. The tube and the bulb is filled with a particular fluid; and the fluid inside the bulb is given some different color which i believe is a piece of art-work. Galileo briliantly make use the characteristic of fluid which it's density changes with the temperature. Here's how it works: arrange the bulb from the least dense to the most dense from top to bottom inside the tube, then fill the tube with the fluid. When the tube is heated, the fluid's temperature inside raise and so is the bulb's. And as the fluid inside the bulb become less dense with the raise of the temperature, the bulb will float. Just imagine a lava lamp and you will get the picture of it. We can measure the temperature by looking at the scale under each bulb. It was simply brilliant. A very perfect combination of bright mind with a little touch of art. Indeed it's a thermometer, but it's a cute yet beautiful decoration. I was thinking if maybe we can find a glow-in-the-dark fluid to fill the thermometer with some decorative color. Once again, amazingly brilliant. Galileo Sir, you got my full admiration.
What I'm going to write here is just how brilliant he is. As far as i know, he invented a hell lot of thing in the 16th century. Telescope is one thing. It was him who were also stood firmly against the geocentric theory and prove it (poor Capernicus. He was murdered by the order of the Roman Church at that time because he was the first person to say it). Galileo was the first person to utilize the telescope to observe the galaxy and discovered a number of Jupiter's satellite, to find out that the moon is not perfectly flat, and many more. Galileo also produced a number of theory which underlies the modern science. His theory was the breakthrough to almost every astronomical discovery in this modern era. Or maybe we can say that Galileo "invented" almost every scientific discovery in the modern era with his theories and discoveries. The very Albert Einstein even called Galileo as "The father of modern science".
Enough for the introduction. We all know that he was so great, he discovered this and that, and so on. But it's not because of those discoveries I mentioned above that I make this post, but it's because one simple tool he made: The Galilean Thermometer. It's a very simple thermometer, which work based on the buoyancy principle and density. Very very simple. The thermometer is formed by a single tube and some bulbs marked by temperature scale. The tube and the bulb is filled with a particular fluid; and the fluid inside the bulb is given some different color which i believe is a piece of art-work. Galileo briliantly make use the characteristic of fluid which it's density changes with the temperature. Here's how it works: arrange the bulb from the least dense to the most dense from top to bottom inside the tube, then fill the tube with the fluid. When the tube is heated, the fluid's temperature inside raise and so is the bulb's. And as the fluid inside the bulb become less dense with the raise of the temperature, the bulb will float. Just imagine a lava lamp and you will get the picture of it. We can measure the temperature by looking at the scale under each bulb. It was simply brilliant. A very perfect combination of bright mind with a little touch of art. Indeed it's a thermometer, but it's a cute yet beautiful decoration. I was thinking if maybe we can find a glow-in-the-dark fluid to fill the thermometer with some decorative color. Once again, amazingly brilliant. Galileo Sir, you got my full admiration.

Monday, April 19, 2010
Mom's Quote of the Day
My mom almost never missed a thing. And so is the case for now. Just minutes ago she said, "Dir, kehidupan kau kok gak karuan ya?" (Dir, i see your life is messed up, isn't it?). Without hesitation i replied "Yes". Just this morning before i took a bath, that exact thing came up to my mind: my current life is messed up. My time is messed up. My schedule is messed up. Me myself personally is messed up. And i'm sick of it. To make it worse, i don't know what's wrong and how to fix. Ah, that's the only way :-). Dunno when :D.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Very Best Love Song :-D
يا من هواه أعزه وأذلنـــي
كيف السبيل إلى وصالـك دلني؟
Wahai cinta, yang dengannya membuatku hina dan membuatnya muliaكيف السبيل إلى وصالـك دلني؟
Katakan padaku bagaimana jalanku untuk dapat mendekat kepadamu
تركتني حيران صبّا هائمــا
أرعى النجوم وأنت في نوم هني
kau tinggalkan aku dalam tangis dan kesusahanأرعى النجوم وأنت في نوم هني
Kupandangi bintang-bintang sedangkan kau terlelap dalam tidur yang nyaman
جاد الزمان وأنت ما واصلتني
يا باخلاَ بالوصل أنت قتلتنـي
Berlalulah waktu demi waktu dan engkau tidak menemuikuيا باخلاَ بالوصل أنت قتلتنـي
Duhai engkau yang pelit menjumpa, sungguh engkau membunuhku dengan cinta ini
ولأقعدن على الطريق فأشتكي
في زي مظلوم وأنت ظلمتنـي
Aku akan berjalan dan berseru di jalan-jalanفي زي مظلوم وأنت ظلمتنـي
Karena aku adalah orang yang terdholimi dan engkau mendholimiku
ولأشكينك عند سلطان الهوى
ليعذبنك مثل ما عذبـتـنــي
dan aku akan mengadukanmu pada Raja pemilik segala cintaليعذبنك مثل ما عذبـتـنــي
Supaya engkau merasakan adzab seperti yang engkau akibatkan padaku
ولأدعين عليك في جنح الدجى
فعساك تبلى مثل ما أبليتنـي
Dan aku akan berdoa di kegelapan malamفعساك تبلى مثل ما أبليتنـي
Supaya engkau ditimpa bala’ seperti yang engkau akibatkan padaku
Sebagian syair Ya Man Hawa dengan terjemahan bebas. harap maklum kalau ada kesalahan dan harap diralat :-)
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